Classic Protection Systems inc. 1648 West Sam Houston Parkway North |
To contact us: |
Fire Alarm Surge Suppression Recommended by
all 23 Manufactures |
Fire Alarm Surge
Suppression |
We can not stress as too
how important this 120HWCP20CB is on a repeat offending panel caused by
lightning. All homeland security National Guard facilities in the State of
Florida has these on their Fire-lite panels. If you look at the diagram, with out this
device, low voltage surge suppression is useless under any name brand. This insures that you have enough impedance
on the phase and neutral line to create an alternative path way for your low
voltage surge suppression devices to work properly. The clamping voltage of this in-series
device is incredibly tight. 198 volts
at peak voltage on a wet day, and normal peak operating voltage is 170
volts. On a dry day, 238 volts. Testing of this nature is done according to
IEEE-C62.41 Cat. B3/C1 at 6000 volts @ 3000 amps. |
FA 30 VB (Class B) (24Volt to 28 Volt) zones and intelligent
loops, Dry contacts, & between buildings ……………………...The FA 30VB works
extremely well with the FCI E-3Systems
RS485. FA 30 VA (Class A) (24
to 28 Volt) zones FA 60 VB (Class B)
(above 34.4V) zones and intelligent loops & between buildings FA 60VA (Class A) (above
34.4 V) zones FA 90VB (Audio) |
FA 30 BH (24V to 28
Volts @ or over 2 amps of current) Horns Strobes, & power for loop
circuits. FA 60NC (above
34.4V @ or over 2 amps of current)
Horns Storbes, & power for loop circuits |
DLTTOS200V You need two for you
RJ31X, one for primary phone line and one for backup line. |
Spike Block-1 UL listed and is for the
power ground or case ground. The only
UL listed device in the world that will eliminate ground loop problems caused
by lightning that causes ground faults
or false alarms. This is actually a notch
filter and will not allow anything below 50 Hz (pumps, motors, HVAC noise and
impulses to feed back loop into the panel. It will not allow anything above
2.2 GHz or the lightning spectrum to
enter the panel from the ground side, of either the case ground or AC power
ground. Think of it as a check valve, and only allows grounding one way. Excellent for use in the Lightning Capital
of North America or anywhere else with a high epidemic of lightning problems. |
Power Quality Engineering for Fire Alarm Panels. Fire Control
Instruments, Gamewell, Hochiki and 21 manufactures of fire alarm panels
recommend Stormin Protection Products E/Clips Surge Suppression and the new
Spike Block that eliminates ground strikes and false alarms. See on Line Lightning Demo: |
If you are
currently using surge suppression on a fire alarm panel, an it is not
working, then we have an opportunity to prove that in-line series hybrid, two
tank circuit design protection with three stages is the only way to go. We will never recommend parallel surge
suppression for any security devices.
It would be impossible for this product to not work. It will cost a lot more then what you are
use to, but your chances of success or achieving 100% protection is more
likely to do so with this technology.
We do not have to advertise this product, tech support by most of the
Fire alarm manufactures will recommend E/Clips products. |
120HWCP20CBPLC *New Product* Backup Generator issues. This
problem has grown considerably in the last ten years. When the manufactures
stopped using linear power supplies this problem has escalated big time. The
only cure was to use a True-Online UPS.
The cost was so prohibitive.
This invention was designed primarily for this and also it deals with
other heavy loads that affect the 20-amp circuit. |
the problem Places
known for this problem: Nursing homes, Assisted Living Facilities, 911
centers, or any establishment that has a backup generator. The above listed places are the most
well-known of all places with these issues. In this country We have sold the
most: Texas, specifically Houston and coastal areas, Florida, Oil Rigs in the
Gulf Coast (heavy load issues), Louisiana, North and South Carolina. Unlike
the items below, this unit is not UL listed, but complies with UL. This smart
surge suppression design is identical to the 120HWCP20CB, but it has a brain
and electromechanical switch. It watches the power if the voltage drops and
the current rises, it switches off the power as soon as the power becomes
normal, (3 minutes), it allows the power to go through. The fire alarm system
never sees the power disturbance.
Originally built as a request by Secutron USA, but in most of them
were installed on Gamewell equipment. There are many installs on other name
brands, but these two name brands have used this device very successfully. On
Oil Rigs all name brands because heavy loads are primarily the issues |
Edwards Systems
Technology special little problem: The RJ31X
auto-dialer is extremely sensitive to ground faults. Nothing will work on it except the
Optelator. We have solve the problem but in most cases the phone company will
not fix the ground loop, so this unit will work. See the fiber optic page for the info. |
Complies with all UL requirements. |